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2.1 - Assigned Computers

Computers are provided for each employee to use as required to complete duties as assigned.  All computer equipment and software remain the property of the College and the University.  The College provides central servers for file storage, networked records with PHI, applications (if needed) and access to networked printers.  All computers are to be located in a lockable, secure area.  Contact Devin Taylor, (405) 271-8001 ext. 43412) to schedule any computer equipment and software purchases, installations and upgrades.

All users should LOGOFF from the network or RESTART their computer workstation when they leave for the day.  If possible, please keep your computer powered ON to allow anti-virus and operating system updates to run after hours.  Monitors should be turned off.  Servers are designed to never routinely shut down and will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Computer provisioning policy available upon request.

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